Welcome to the Resource Library

Take Me to Free Resources
I'm Interested in the Grief Literacy 101 Class


If you are a griever...

If you are a griever, please click on the "Take Me to Free Resources" button above. This button will take you directly to a growing collection of downloadable resources & guides that I've created to support you on your journey, as well as the entire Grief Chats video series.

If you are supporting a griever...

If you are a grief-support or grief-curious person, welcome. And thank you. Thank you for being here. Please keep reading before scrolling down.

If you care about someone who is grieving, thank you for opening your heart up to understanding our experience, before you really need to. Thank you for being willing to learn about and see the things most people try to ignore until that is no longer possible. We appreciate and love you. We might not always be able to say so and we may struggle to see outside our own narrow grief-lens for a good, long time. But we thank you all the same.

We get it. Bearing witness to profound grief is uncomfortable. You want us to go back to who we were before our loss. You want the old, carefree, happy, supportive, naïve version of us.

But the greatest gift you can give us is simply to let us freely become who we are meant to become through our grief. Let us be messy. Let us take time. Let us find our own way.

Try not to tell us how to grieve or how to put our life back together. Try not to expect what you used to expect from us.

Profound loss isn’t a year-long journey. It isn’t a two-year-long journey. It is an entire lifetime of change and growth. It is a trajectory forever altered.

Many of us already feel guilty that we are no longer able to be who we were before. Maybe, instead of pressuring us to return to who we were, you can celebrate our journey, however uncomfortable.

Check out the free downloadable resources & guides below, and allow me to teach you a little bit more about grief, so you can support the people you care about.

A grief-literate society is a healthy society.

Welcome to the Resource Library

Take Me to Free Resources
I'm Interested in the Grief Literacy 101 Class

If you are a griever...

If you are a griever, please click on the "Take Me to Free Resources" button above. This button will take you directly to a growing collection of downloadable resources & guides that I've created to support you on your journey, as well as the entire Grief Chats video series.

If you are supporting a griever...

If you are a grief-support or grief-curious person, welcome. And thank you. Thank you for being here. Please keep reading before scrolling down.

If you care about someone who is grieving, thank you for opening your heart up to understanding our experience, before you really need to. Thank you for being willing to learn about and see the things most people try to ignore until that is no longer possible. We appreciate and love you. We might not always be able to say so and we may struggle to see outside our own narrow grief-lens for a good, long time. But we thank you all the same.

We get it. Bearing witness to profound grief is uncomfortable. You want us to go back to who we were before our loss. You want the old, carefree, happy, supportive, naïve version of us.

But the greatest gift you can give us is simply to let us freely become who we are meant to become through our grief. Let us be messy. Let us take time. Let us find our own way.

Try not to tell us how to grieve or how to put our life back together. Try not to expect what you used to expect from us.

Profound loss isn’t a year-long journey. It isn’t a two-year-long journey. It is an entire lifetime of change and growth. It is a trajectory forever altered.

Many of us already feel guilty that we are no longer able to be who we were before. Maybe, instead of pressuring us to return to who we were, you can celebrate our journey, however uncomfortable.

Check out the free downloadable resources & guides below, and allow me to teach you a little bit more about grief, so you can support the people you care about.

A grief-literate society is a healthy society.


The New Moon Mira Resource Library 

Below you will find a growing collection of resources that I've created to help us all better understand and navigate the grieving process. I update this page regularly and email list subscribers are the first to hear when new resources are created. Make sure to click the button below if you'd like to join us.
If you are a professional or personal grief support person...

If you are a healthcare worker, coach, therapist, friend, family member, spiritual leader, or if you’re simply grief-curious and wanting to become a more grief-conscious human, I invite you to attend my live Grief Literacy 101 class.

Add your name and email address below and I will send you all the details when they become available.

This class will help you feel more confident in your ability to offer truly helpful support to those you know who are grieving.

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Photo by Sarah Bell Photography


For grievers, pre-grievers, and grief-support people.


But What Should I Say?

A Guide for Professional & Personal Grief-Support

Do you worry about saying the wrong thing to the grieving people in your life? I get it. Grief is uncomfortable. And none of us have been taught what it’s actually like or what grieving people actually need. As a grief support person, you likely don't want to make things worse. The last thing you want is to cause even more pain. Here are some simple tips for what to say and how to offer grief-literate support.

If you are a griever, feel free to download this resource and share it with the support people in your life.


Beyond Death

A step-by-step guide to help you connect to your person on the other side 

I created this guide because one of the most common questions I get asked, is how I have maintained my connection to my husband Brian since his death in 2019. Within this free resource, I share stories of signs I’ve received, describe other ways I intentionally connect with Brian, hopefully clear up some confusion, and provide tips on how to connect to our loved ones on the other side. And yes, I also share the names of the mediums I have spoken to Brian through.


Back-to-School Email Template for Grieving Kids

Communicating your loss to your child's teacher can be heavy & hard. Sometimes, getting started is the most difficult part. Here is the template of the email that I send to D's teacher each new school year. Feel free to copy, adapt, & use it. I know it can often feel overwhelming to begin these big tasks, so I hope this helps you start the process.


Evening Somatic Practice

After a profound loss, evenings can become so challenging for so many of us. Our already limited energy may become depleted, and as the world quiets around us, our grief, anxiety, or stress may become louder.

At a time when we crave rest more than ever, it may feel elusive and almost impossible to quiet our minds. 

I created this simple, 18-minute somatic evening practice for those of us who are grieving. All you need to do, is follow along. May it support you in communicating to your nervous system that you are safe.


My 5 Favourite Nervous System Regulating Tools

The nervous system governs so much of how we feel, behave, and respond after profound loss. When we go through something traumatic, it is "too much, too fast, too soon" for our nervous system to process. Over time, we may find ourselves "stuck" in patterns of activation and eventually may feel chronically dysregulated. There are five nervous system tools in particular that I use regularly & love - and I want to share them with all of you, because they've helped me on my grief journey so much!


Grief Chats with Dana & Mira

Grief Chats is a 2021 seven-part video series hosted by fellow cancer widows Dana Frost and Mira Simone, where we unpack what it’s like to grieve a traumatic loss in our world today. We cover taboo topics like dating, sex, money, and friendship loss as widows.

Grief is hard.

Let’s talk about it.


The Top Five Grief Myths

We live in a society where grief myths abound. I know because I used to believe many of them. I was completely unaware of the reality of grief, which means I was wholly unprepared for what it was really like. It also means that everyone around me was too. Grief is hard enough as it is, let’s shift the narrative by starting to break down these widely believed misunderstandings. 

This resource is helpful for both grievers and grief support people alike.


But What Should I Say?

A Guide for Professional & Personal Grief-Support

Do you worry about saying the wrong thing to the grieving people in your life? I get it. Grief is uncomfortable. And none of us have been taught what it’s actually like or what grieving people actually need. As a grief support person, you likely don't want to make things worse. The last thing you want is to cause even more pain. Here are some simple tips for what to say and how to offer grief-literate support.

If you are a griever, feel free to download this resource and share it with the support people in your life.


Beyond Death

A step-by-step guide to help you connect to your person on the other side 

I created this guide because one of the most common questions I get asked, is how I have maintained my connection to my husband Brian since his death in 2019. Within this free resource, I share stories of signs I’ve received, describe other ways I intentionally connect with Brian, hopefully clear up some confusion, and provide tips on how to connect to our loved ones on the other side. And yes, I also share the names of the mediums I have spoken to Brian through.


Back-to-School Email Template for Grieving Kids

Communicating your loss to your child's teacher can be heavy & hard. Sometimes, getting started is the most difficult part. Here is the template of the email that I send to D's teacher each new school year. Feel free to copy, adapt, & use it. I know it can often feel overwhelming to begin these big tasks, so I hope this helps you start the process.


Evening Somatic Practice

After a profound loss, evenings can become so challenging for so many of us. Our already limited energy may become depleted, and as the world quiets around us, our grief, anxiety, or stress may become louder.

At a time when we crave rest more than ever, it may feel elusive and almost impossible to quiet our minds. 

I created this simple, 18-minute somatic evening practice for those of us who are grieving. All you need to do, is follow along. May it support you in communicating to your nervous system that you are safe.


My Top 5 Nervous System Regulating Tools

The nervous system governs so much of how we feel, behave, and respond after profound loss. When we go through something traumatic, it is "too much, too fast, too soon" for our nervous system to process. Over time, we may find ourselves "stuck" in patterns of activation and eventually may feel chronically dysregulated. There are five nervous system tools in particular that I use regularly & love - and I want to share them with all of you, because they've helped me on my grief journey so much!


The Top Five Grief Myths

We live in a society where grief myths abound. I know because I used to believe many of them. I was completely unaware of the reality of grief, which means I was wholly unprepared for what it was really like. It also means that everyone around me was too. Grief is hard enough as it is, let’s shift the narrative by starting to break down these widely believed misunderstandings. 

This resource is helpful for both grievers and grief support people alike.

If you joined my email list, you already received this resource!


Grief Chats with Dana & Mira

Grief Chats is a 2021 seven-part video series hosted by fellow cancer widows Dana Frost and Mira Simone, where we unpack what it’s like to grieve a traumatic loss in our world today. We cover taboo topics like dating, sex, money, and friendship loss as widows.

Grief is hard.

Let’s talk about it.


Walking with Grief Challenge

(Coming again at a TBD date)

As the last leaves fell off the trees in that late autumn of 2022, I impulsively asked on instagram stories: "Who wants to do a 30-day walking with grief challenge with me?" The response was phenomenal. Hundreds of grievers began walking daily and supporting one another online, sharing photos, podcast episodes, and encouragement. Stay tuned for the next walking challenge. Sign up here to be notified when we start again!


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