Grief is love.
Death is an inevitable part of living.
The beginning is the end is the beginning...
Hi, I’m Mira.
I'm a widow, a solo mom, a writer, and a grief coach & advocate.
Just before the start of 2019, my life was entirely blown apart when my partner Brian woke up feeling sick.
He died seven weeks later from an unbelievably aggressive cancer.
Our StoryI started New Moon Mira because I wanted to create the space and the programs that I couldn't find for myself when my Brian died.
New Moon Mira is grief-literate, trauma informed support with a focus on somatic work and nervous system regulation, holding space for all of you and your grief, creative expression, and a deep respect for the sacred grieving process.
It is based in the tenant that grief is love, not a “low-vibe” state that we need to run away from.
My grief has been a powerful catalyst for my own self-discovery. With space, exploration, attention, and compassion, it has slowly shifted and transformed into a deep level of attunement with myself.
Always here. Always present. Always changing.
Our Story
Before 2019, my life was pretty much on track. I was busy being a mom and a partner, a daughter and a sister, a therapist and a friend. My love Brian and I had a healthy two-year-old daughter and were about to start trying for a second baby. I walked around, like so many of us do, blissfully ignorant to the truth that everything can change in an instant.
My instant came one cold day in December. It was a day like any other, except for the fact that Brian woke up feeling “off”. His symptoms were strange and eclectic at first. Fuzzy vision. Insomnia. A sore back. Hot flashes. Then exhaustion and a “flu”.
About a month later, he could barely get out of bed. I was spiraling. I remember taking a walk with my sister and telling her, “I can’t explain it but I feel like Brian is dying.” It turned out that I was right.
Shortly after that, we found out – by email I might add – that he had an extremely aggressive cancer. It was Stage 4 Melanoma, in multiple organs, his bones, and his beautiful and brilliant brain.
Less than seven weeks later, he died, holding my hand in a dimly lit hospital room, our favourite tunes playing around us and my heart broken open, spilling out onto the floor.
His death left me reeling.

I was empty, in shock, and torn open. And so, I started to write. I wrote like my life depended on it, because for me, it did. Writing became my survival.
I discovered that there was something akin to peace, even temporary, that surrounded me when I shared parts of my story and heard others echo back, “Yes, me too. I see you.”.
In 2021, my dad passed away suddenly, after a long journey with Parkinson’s Disease. Grief layered on grief. But this time, I was familiar with my process. I had language for what I was going through and a community who understood.
Over the past few years, I’ve learned that I’m comfortable holding space for my hard feelings and the hard feelings of others. I can honour the grief process honestly. I don’t turn away.
I believe that while therapists and healers can be extremely helpful in grief, there is nothing quite like the understanding from someone who has experienced deep grief themselves.
Welcome to New Moon Mira.
Grief support that balances the darkness with the light, making space for you to find who you are becoming.
Thank you for being here with me. And I’m so sorry that you are.
How Can I Help You?

I would love to join an accessible community of widows and receive ongoing support, workshops, & connection.