New Moon Mira


“I lost my husband in June of 2019. After years of processing the loss in many different ways (ways I am proud of and ways that I'm not proud of), I still felt stuck. Not in the “I’m ALWAYS gonna love and miss him” kind of way (of course I will always love and miss him!) - but stuck in a way that was keeping me angry and feeling emotionally isolated - which I wanted to change. I knew in my heart I needed a community that understood me.

I could write and speak about the space that Mira held - the container she created and what I experienced there - all day long. Mira's group felt safe, compassionate and just so full of grace! Hearing other widows talk about their person and their loss helped give my grief a voice. The words and energy shared in our group, breathed life into me. My sense of isolation eased and my nervous system regulated.

I have felt so blessed by Mira and am so grateful for her. Not just what she offers in her work with widows and grievers - but how she is as a person. I’m grateful for her heart. It’s so loving and grounded and sparkling, and I feel blessed to have her in my circle.

I honestly feel like so much of my healing has been 'supersonic', on speed dial, and in 'ultra-mode' because of Mira’s group. It will literally stick with me for the rest of my life and I cannot wait to join more New Moon Mira programs and retreats. I just adore Mira. And I know the other women in our group feel the same way.

If you are looking for a community that understands the widowhood and grief journey, whether it’s a recent loss or a longer loss, this space is for you.”

- Jacque

“I'm so incredibly grateful for Mira and her widows group, ‘I See You, Sister’. I tell my friends about this group all the time, about how happy I am to have found other people who I can talk to and share with, listen to and feel for. ‘I See You, Sister’ has been invaluable for me. It's changed my life. Mira is incredible at what she does. She has a gift, a significant gift. She is a treasure to her fellow widows.”

- Meg

“I can’t count how many times I’ve sat back and reflected on my time with Mira and the women at the widow’s retreat six months ago. Admittedly, I was nervous going into it. I was worried the investment wouldn’t feel worth it, or that I wouldn’t connect with the other women- that I would be in a different place in my grief.

Nothing could be further from the truth. There was something so magically validating to be sitting in a room, around a fire, jumping in the lake, and gathered around a dining table with a group of women who truly understand what you’ve walked through as a widow.

There is something so entirely healing about sharing, listening, surrendering to this path of life surrounded by those who are fighting and working through just what you have. I reflect so often on this time together and truly feel it was a moment of release and acceptance that I needed to move through my grief, my loss, and my healing. "

- Chantelle

I found Mira on Instagram through her incredible account 'New Moon Mira'.  At the time, I was amid a six-year journey with my beloved life partner and husband Ken, who was living with Glioblastoma (brain cancer). I found myself taking tiny peeks into the world of what was to come for me. I read Mira’s own story. I read her posts about loss and grief. It was so hard to fathom. I was going to become a widow. And then the day came when the world as I knew it ceased to exist. I became a widow.  

When Mira offered a group experience, I knew I had to join. I needed help navigating my grief it - for me, and also for our children. And I knew that help couldn’t come from family and friends. I needed to be with others whose worlds looked and felt like mine.  

When I think back to the very first time I logged in to the group, all I can says is, ‘Wow’. It completely exceeded my expectations, in terms of how powerful it was for me. As a gifted and experienced group facilitator, Mira created this incredible container that immediately felt safe; a space characterized by honesty, genuine understanding and guidance that steadied me when I felt so untethered in the world. Each group began with a brief grounding meditation, flowed into sharing amongst one another, and ended with Mira introducing us to varied practices that were based in somatic grief work. I learned so much from Mira about how grief and trauma live in our bodies, not just in our thoughts and feelings. I then began to explore and use the somatic practices Mira taught us in the days in-between groups. I was surviving what felt un-survivable.  

Mira and the other women impacted my grief journey so much, because of how real and honest they all were. ‘I See You, Sister’ was a space that allowed me to be open about my experience. It made me feel sane and grounded. I’m so grateful I joined. 

I trust Mira implicitly and I know she will continue to be an important part of my grief journey.”  

- Jenny 

“Going into Mira's widows retreat, I knew that I was feeling the need to be seen by my fellow widows, but I truly didn’t recognize all of the different *ways* I would feel seen during our time together. I couldn’t have predicted what a profound impact that would have on me, nor how important it would be.

I am so, so grateful for our time in that magical space. Our retreat was amazing and it felt so synchronistic and meant to be. I couldn’t imagine anyone other than Mira running it. I couldn’t imagine it being anywhere else. Everything just came together so perfectly.

We all had someone to relate to, in so many different ways. We all had someone to look ahead to. But also, someone who could look ahead to us. I love that Mira trusted that whoever was meant to be there was going to sign up. It was amazing, considering how connected we all were. I really valued that."

- Danielle

“I lost my husband Ryan on December 31, 2020. He left behind myself and our three young daughters. Navigating grief has been so hard. Trying to figure out how to live life and raise my girls alone has often felt impossible.

Thankfully, after about 6 months I found Mira on Instagram. Her account made me feel seen, heard, and not alone. When she opened up her group, ‘I See You Sister’, I knew I wanted to join right away.

‘I See You, Sister’ was such a comfort for me each week, just knowing that I could login, talk, listen, and be with others who understood what I was going through.

Being part of a group of women who had experienced the same kind of loss helped validate my experience and made me feel supported. Mira is a wonderful kind, gentle person who brings so much knowledge and experience in grief. She was so good at sharing and teaching the curriculum to us, as well as the somatic elements - and I felt very safe with her, allowing me to open up and be truly honest and vulnerable.

Because the somatic element of ‘I See You, Sister’ was so helpful, when Mira opened up her somatic grief course, RECLAIM, I decided to join that as well. RECLAIM was an incredible opportunity for me to learn more about my body and how the traumatic death of my husband had affected it.

Mira taught the course with such empathy and compassion. Each week she gave us time to share how things were going, but also saved a lot of time for us to do somatic work with her. She built an amazing library of recorded somatic exercises that we could access at any time. I found them to be unbelievably helpful and continue to turn to these videos to support me, especially during my really hard days.

RECLAIM was invaluable to me. I adore Mira. She is a wealth of knowledge and lived experience - and I am so grateful to her for creating her groups and in particular, sharing somatic work with me. I know that the tools she has given me will be helpful for my entire life. I continue to incorporate them into my everyday living, which in turn, continues to help me calm my nervous system. 

I trust Mira so much and I honestly couldn’t imagine taking anything like these two groups from someone else. I would recommend Mira to anyone who is living with grief. Her knowledge, kindness and support has helped me tremendously on my journey.”

- Kourtney

“My husband, Reed, died in October 2019, leaving me and our three kids (18, 16, and 12 at the time). It felt like I was air dropped into a nuclear winter, where there was total chaos, no joy, no hope, and no obvious path forward. I did not know any other widows and felt vulnerable and exposed. Like a fish in a tank. I found Mira's instagram feed and began to see the possibility of surviving and maybe even thriving within my grief. Her words resonated 100 times more than the grief therapists I saw because Mira was living it out loud.

I decided to join Mira's widows group ‘I See You, Sister’ so that I could be in a community of grievers and learn more about how to live with my grief and also support my devastated kids. I kept looking to therapists and other professionals to help me but really, I needed other people riding the same waves. "’I See You, Sister’ is a support I desperately needed. The programming is informative and serves as a platform for my favorite part - listening to everyone's stories.

We start each session with a meditation and then a check in, where we each share what is going on with us. It makes me feel less alone in the world and I find inspiration in the other women and our conversations. It is hard to be a younger widow in a world of couples. Our stuff is just different and everyone in the group ‘gets it’. I look forward to our sessions and really, really hope we can maintain contact. I care about the other women and Mira. They are my fellow widow travelers.Mira, to say I am grateful for your group is an understatement. I am just filled with awe and gratitude for the opportunity to bear witness to the other women's stories and share mine.”

- Sarah

“In September 2021, my husband Crocker died suddenly and unexpectedly as a result of a cardiac event. He died on the beach, where he was getting ready to go for a surf. Crocker left myself and my kids (ages 9 & 11) behind. Words cannot express the shock, disbelief, and desperation that we felt when we received that devastating news. The initial months passed in a total blur where I was surviving second to second. I attended counselling, which I found useful and I have good support from family and friends. However, I still felt isolated, misunderstood, judged and unseen. Nobody in my circle could understand the reality of my life.

I started following Mira on Instagram and her reels and words resonated with me. When Mira launched her program ‘I See You, Sister’ – I took the title as a sign – I yearned to be seen. I wanted to find community. Joining this group has given me the space to be seen and heard. I am part of a community now, I belong. I look forward to the sessions each week. Mira holds space for each of us and we listen and contribute. It is striking that although each of us has a different story and circumstance, there are so many commonalities. We understand and support each other under Mira’s facilitation. Mira facilitates in a gentle way and bears witness to our lives. She is unselfish with her moderation of the group. The topics she has chosen for each session are relevant, real, and thought provoking. Our feelings and our grief are validated and explored.

As a result of joining this program, I have gained community and I value each of my fellow widows. I feel seen and no longer feel isolated. If you are widowed, I would highly recommend joining one of Mira’s groups. ‘I See You, Sister’ has made such a positive impact on how I carry my grief and my continuing love for Crocker moving forward.”

- Anna

“Mira, I found you when I didn't even know I needed you, but I knew that I couldn’t do widowhood alone. I was illiterate in my own grief journey and your somatic grief group, RECLAIM, became my toolbox for defining and caring for my new self, fairly soon after my husband’s death.   

You have developed not only a series of workshops, which cover somatic healing practices (breathwork, yoga, meditation, Qi Gong), but also excellent comprehensive accompanying materials, worksheets and resources - that are a go-to in-between sessions and have served me long after I completed the course.   

RECLAIM helped me process my profound and often crippling grief, and learn how to communicate my grief and trauma journey to my friends and family. I also found a lovely community and friendships in our RECLAIM cohort, a sense of being understood in all my grief and mess and questions.   

Most importantly for me, RECLAIM has helped me to both grieve and honour my husband unapologetically.

To anyone who is considering joining: If you are struggling with the process of loss, I highly recommend RECLAIM. I was apprehensive of the cost initially and I can honestly say that it was worth every penny.”

- Cindy

“I am so thankful that I attended Mira's in-person widows retreat. It was so special to come together with other widows - to share our stories and to reflect on who we are now (and who we want to be) - as we hold our deep grief. We were all at different points in our grief, but it really didn't matter. It was a beautiful balance of sharing with each other and personal reflection time. Delicious food, laughter, crying, cold plunges, sauna, and dancing under the stars.

The community and bond formed was very special. The really key difference I’ve noticed in myself since our time together, is how much more grounded I feel. This retreat was exactly the space I needed to be in. Thank you Mira!”

- Laurie

“I joined Mira’s ‘Shoulder to Shoulder’ grief group, because the holidays are close on the heels of my beloved’s ‘deathaversary’ and birthday, and the thought of extra support during this time of heightened emotion sounded appealing. But I had no idea what a beautiful, brave, and kind group of women I would have the honor of connecting with. Everyone shared their stores with vulnerability and honesty, while simultaneously holding space and empathizing with the rest of us.

I usually find it difficult to speak of such tender, raw moments in front of strangers, but Mira fostered such a warm and welcoming environment, that the ‘stranger’ aspect quickly evaporated. Ease has been such an elusive feeling for me in widowhood, and yet somehow Mira created a safe haven in our group, where I was able to experience moments of ease in plenitude.

Mira facilitated the group beautifully, and the incorporation of breath work and movement was incredible. I found that I felt better after each session, looked forward to the next, and dreaded the ending of this beautiful experience. Thank you more than I can adequately articulate! It was deeply impactful and I gained coping strategies to take with me along this continued grief journey.”

- Charlene

“I joined Mira's group ‘I See You, Sister’ because I felt like I was stuck. I didn't know what the future held. This group gave me a renewed sense of strength and purpose. Now I know that I can do this. So, thank you so much Mira and all the other beautiful women in our group. I really needed this reminder. I needed something that would tell me that life would continue.”

- Anonymous

“The first time we did somatic work in our holiday grief group with Mira, something completely shifted in my body and my psyche. I felt a sense of hope. I hadn’t experienced this feeling since before my husband died. Tending to my body and what it needed through those movements somehow moved the grief itself and created a space where I felt like there was finally room to feel some lightness. I could imagine a way forward for the very first time.”

- Meg 

“Mira's group ‘I See You, Sister’ was something extremely special in my life. I wish it didn’t have to end. The fact that everybody was able to be so open and vulnerable was such a blessing to me. None of us wanted to be a part of this club, but here we are. I have valued this group so much.”

- Sabrina

“I lost my partner unexpectedly on June 10, 2022 and it has been the worst experience of my life. I decided to join ‘I See You, Sister’ because of the many parallels between my story and Mira’s - I felt like we could relate. I wanted to connect with other women in similar situations who would be able to ‘get it’ and who could understand all the emotions that go along with grief, loss, and this gut-wrenching uncharted journey.

The group sessions and materials were so well organized. I liked that there was a different topic each week and I enjoyed starting each session with a mindfulness meditation. I felt like I had the space to participate each session and was listened to – but I never felt pressured to contribute if I preferred to be quieter one week.

From Mira’s group I got a sense of community. The women in the group were so kind, supportive, comforting, and uplifting. Everyone’s story was so different but the trauma we all experienced and shared is the same. I have found it so comforting to share this experience with others. Grief is lonely and now, I don't feel as alone in my grief. I strongly recommend this group to others.”

- Breanne

“I lost my beloved husband Myron on December 4, 2020. A gall stone led to necrotising pancreatitis and in the span of three weeks, he went from playing golf to gone. I was not a young widow at 67, but grief knows no age. I found Mira on Instagram and started to follow her early in my grief journey. I found her raw and open approach to dealing with grief to be such a comfort. I would find myself saying, ‘You get it!’ at my screen.

When Mira announced her ‘Shoulder to Shoulder’ holiday grief group, I jumped at the chance to join. Each week, after a meditation, we would share our fears, our challenges, and our struggles with trying to cope with the stress and emotional upheaval of facing the holidays. After each of us shared, Mira would validate our feelings with compassion beyond her years. I felt that I wasn’t alone on this journey. At the end of each session, we did a somatic nervous system regulation exercise. It was an incredible way to ‘wake up’ our bodies and release the pent-up challenges we face as grievers. Tuesday mornings at 11 a.m. couldn’t come soon enough.

I learned from the group, that we all feel the same emotions, no matter our age. I did feel a certain maternal connection with these amazing women and wished I could reach through the computer to hug each and every one of them, including Mira, who was our anchor through this rocky journey. I can’t say enough about @newmoonmira and the impact she has had on my broken heart. I cannot wait to join another group, whether that be online or, hopefully, in person. Mira is a miracle that happened in my life and I am forever grateful.”

- Patti

“My husband was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2015 and our family rode the cancer roller coaster for 4+ years before he died in early 2020. My kids were teenagers. I was feeling alone and searching for other widows to connect with.

I found Mira on Instagram and appreciated her honest openness about her own grief. I could relate to so much of what she said. When she announced she was starting a grief group, I jumped on the chance to join.

The group has been everything I've hoped for and more: Connection with other widows (who are lovely), feeling lighter & less alone in my grief, and being seen – plus, commiserating about the weird/ hard aspects of a griefy life that no one else gets. Mira is a kind, warm facilitator who creates a safe space for us to share with each other. Thank you, Mira!”

- Jenny 

“Before Mira's in-person widows retreat, I hadn't been in a space where being a widow was the shared norm. So that part of the experience alone, made me feel more seen and understood than in my normal life.

But it was  more than that. This retreat was an amazing time with women who I discovered I would want to be friends with, even if we weren't unfortunately connecting through our shared experience with profound loss.  

Now, I have this great new circle of friends and feel much less lonely in my daily life with my grief. Thanks so much Mira for hosting this! The experience was great and continues to make a big difference for me."

- Rebecca

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