Writing has been the balm within my grief. The place where I feel it, look at it, and transmute it into words. My wish is that these lines help you feel seen in your grief too.

I am here with you, in this.

What You Call Being Strong, I Call Being in Shock Sep 12, 2022

What you call being strong, I call being in shock.

What you call inspirational, I call survival.

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If You Are in the Early Days, Hold On Sep 02, 2022

Three-and-a-half years ago my life fell apart. It opened up at the seams and my insides were...

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On Moving As A Widow Nov 30, 2021

How strange.

How strange to go through a trauma, pack a life into some boxes, drive and drive,...

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How Do You Celebrate Valentine’s Day When Your Lover is Dead? Feb 14, 2021

You figure out slowly, how to balance living here, with being forever connected to there.


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Are Moments Real When You Lose the Person Who You Shared Them With? Dec 19, 2020

On Christmas, it will have been twenty-one months since you left.

We held hands in the darkness...

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The Pharmacy Oct 07, 2020

It’s not the pharmacy that I usually go to. But I take a different route home and find...

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The Radical Beauty of Love Jan 12, 2020

I met Bri when I was twenty-seven and I fell for him hard. We loved each other like crazy, we...

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A Window into Grief: What Does Processing the Death of my Young Partner Really Look Like? Jan 09, 2020

Since my Brian died nine months ago, my mother has asked me a few times what...

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On Grief, Cancer, & Cars Dec 05, 2019

My love, Brian, was an excellent driver. I mean, really excellent. When I met him, I...

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A Message for my Fellow Widows About Sex Dec 01, 2019

Here’s the elephant in the room that makes widowhood different from other types of grief:...

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Your Ashes Oct 10, 2019

Bri, you made everything fun. Do you remember that when you were dying, you asked me how we could...

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The Bricks and Mortar of Grief Sep 01, 2019

It has been a week of intimately getting to know the bricks and mortar of grief.

My daughter has...

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